Payment Details:
We accept PayPal payments and major credit cards such as VISA, Mastercard, and AMEX processed through PayPal.
A confirmation email will be sent to you once the order is authorized and verified. We begin preparing your order immediately after it is verified.
You should receive a tracking confirmation email to track the status of your order within the 3-5 business day handling time after your order has been completely processed.
Our shipment tracking services are user-friendly and convenient. You will receive a tracking number along with a shipping confirmation email once your product ships. You can trace your package using this tracking number on our official website, You can view your package's real-time location and shipping status by using the tracking service.
Deliverable area:
The USA is the nation and location to which we ship.
Please note that upon arrival at the final destination of your item, import taxes, tariffs, and related customs fees may apply. In compliance with national rules, the customs agency in your country will ascertain the exact amount of these costs and the corresponding tax rate. We are not able to pay these fees or taxes on your behalf; you are responsible for paying them yourself. Moreover, please be aware that our site is not liable for any delays brought on by customs officials. You should speak with the customs department directly for further information about these charges.
Shipping method:
We provide the following shipping method: DHL. These shipping service providers have a good reputation around the world and can ensure that your package reaches its destination safely and quickly.
Order cutoff time:
In order to process your order promptly and arrange shipping, we have set an order cutoff time. Order cutoff is 6:00 PM (GMT-05:00) Eastern Standard Time (New York). All orders placed after the cutoff time will be processed in the next working day.
Free Shipping:
We offer free shipping to customers all over the USA. No matter where you are in the USA, we offer you free shipping so you can enjoy a convenient shopping experience.
Total Delivery Time = Order Processing Time + Transport Time(depending on your location)
Order Processing Time:
We do our best to package and ship orders as soon as possible! Most orders process and ship within 3-5 business days (Monday to Friday) of the order being placed. Weekends and holidays are excluded from processing and shipping times.
Transport time:
5-15 business days (Mon – Fri) is the estimated transit time.Travel times are approximations and may differ based on the nation.
You can reach our customer service at [email protected] in case of any questions or unanticipated delays. We will be pleased to assist you and address any inquiries you may have.